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Showing posts from August, 2022

Sant Namdev 10 lines |10 lines on sant namdev

  10 lines on sant namdev Sant Namdev was a writer. Saint Namdev is a saint poet of Maharashtra. Namdev Maharaj, the preacher of Varkari sect, was the pioneer of Namveda and Namvidy. He was a great saint of Maharashtra. Sant Namdev 10 lines |10 lines on sant namdev. 1)Sant Namdev is a Varkari saint poet from Maharashtra. 2)Sant Namdev was a biographer, autobiographer and early preacher of Bhagavat through 'Kirtana'. 3)Sant Namdev Maharaj's father's name is Dama Shetty. 4) Full name of Saint Namdev is Namdev Dama Relekar 5) Sant Namdev was born at Narsi Namdev. 6)Sant Namdev Damashetti was the father of Sant Namdev and Gonai was his mother. 7)Sant Namdev was extremely devoted to Srivitthala from his childhood. 8) Sant Namdev Namdev was blessed with Visoba Khechar as his spiritual guru. 9) Sant Namdev's Abhangagatha (about 2500 Abhangs) is famous literary. 10)Sant Namdev's goal of Nachu Kirtana Rangi, Gyandeep Lavu Jagi' was his life.